These Make Ahead Fluffy Pancakes are going to be your new breakfast lifesaver. This recipe is perfect to toss together the night before you want to have a fresh homemade pancakes in the morning with no stress.
What Makes These Make Ahead Fluffy Pancakes so Good?!
There is something so special about fresh fluffy pancakes at home. While we have nothing against a boxed mix, we just don’t think it’s even necessary. Everything that comes in that box you have in your pantry, and putting it together really takes no time.
This recipe is so good, because it is easy to do. You can mix it the morning of and end up with a delicious breakfast everyone will love. However, it can be done the night before, and actually making them the night ahead makes them even fluffier than you could hope for. Mixing everything the night before makes a big difference. Allowing the batter to sit makes them extra fluffy the next day. Moreover, it saves you so much time. You can wake up on a school day, or birthday and just get the pancakes going right away.
We have a firm belief in our household, that a birthday simply cannot be a birthday unless we have had our Fluffy Birthday Pancakes. Long long ago, when we had just had our first little baby (Hi, Blake!), we started making these pancakes on cozy Sunday mornings. Soon enough they became special requests on every birthday morning. It’s our tradition. I love it. Don’t get me wrong. Most days we are a strictly Eggo Waffle breakfast kind of family. But every now and then on special days it’s our go-to.
Like most of the recipes we put up here, our Fluffy Birthday Pancakes, are pretty easy to do and doesn’t require anything you probably don’t already have on hand. It’s also the kind of recipe that will allow you to find easy substitutions for.
Our Tips for This Make Ahead Fluffy Pancake Recipe
The secret to good fluffy pancakes is twofold. The first part is making sure you mix your batter well. No bumps. Make sure you scrape the bottom to get all the flour mixture into it.
If you are using milk instead of buttermilk use a little less. The milk is not as thick as the buttermilk and it can make the batter a little too thin.
Here’s How to Make Good Buttermilk in a Pinch
The second part is knowing when to flip. This is a practice of patience. It is important to really allow the bubbles to form all over before you flip them. The bubbles are your give away that the pancakes is ready and has the beautiful brown coloring you’re looking to flip.
Remember your first pancake will either be too light or too dark. There is rarely an in between. Your first pancake traditionally is just to let you know how to adjust your heat.
Once you flip the pancake over it just needs a nother minute or so before removing. You don’t wnat to overcook them because it takes away from the fluff.
If you want to add chocolate chips or blueberries, it’s easy! Just add the chocolate chips and blueberries before you flip them. Just do not overcrowd the pancake.
For Making e the pancakes in a container that can easily be stored in the refrigerator. If you don’t have one that is big enough you can just cover the bowl with saran wrap and it will be ready for you the next day.
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Make Ahead Fluffy Pancakes
Course: Uncategorized4
1 ½ cups flour
3 tablespoons white sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 ½ teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 ½ cups butter milk
2 eggs lightly beaten
1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
Cooking spray
- In a medium mixing bowl put in your dry ingredients. This means your flour, sugar, salt, baking soda and baking powder.
- In a separate bowl combien your buttermilk, eggs and olive oil.
- Then combine the milk and egg mixture into your dry bowl. Mix well until all the bumps are out.
- Look at the batter, is it too thick or too runny? If it’s too thick carefully add a little more of the buttermilk or milk. If it is too runny you can put very little flour into the mixture to thicken it back up.
- If you are making them ahead, put saran wrap over the top of the bowl and they are ready for the morning.
- When ready to cook, turn on the heat to medium high and let the pan get hot. Lower to medium and pour in your first pancake. Begin the flip process.
- Serve with fresh fruit, butter and syrup. Our kids would want us to add you can also add nutella! Enjoy!