These are our Best Cauliflower Recipes that will help you find your favorite way to incorporate this amazing vegetable into your menu.
Why You Should Add Cauliflower to Your Diet
Whether we like it or not, vegetables are an important part of any well balanced diet. They provide so many nutrients that we need to properly fuel our body. Every vegetable brings it’s own special power to the table. However not every vegetable is created equal.
Cauliflower is unlike most vegetables. It is not only extremely good for you, but it is also transformative. It’s one of those ingredients that can be anything. We have seen cauliflower served in pieces, as a whole head, it’s been turned into pizza crust, rice, and can become a yummy soup.
Let’s start with how good it is for you. Cauliflower is rich in nutrients, especially Vitamins C & K, plus it has folate all making it an excellent source of fiber and potassium. In addition to being high in fiber, which we all know is always a plus, it is anti-inflammatory. The importance of ingredients like this cannot be understated, as it all helps to reduce your cancer risk and keep your body functioning at top performance. We don’t know about you, but we are constantly on a search for recipes that can do all of these things, and cauliflower does it by just existing.
Naturally, we love finding ways to incorporate this amazing vegetable into our weekly menu. It’s such a fun ingredient because it can really do so much. Here is a collection of our 5 favorite easy to do Cauliflower Recipes.
Here Are Our Favorite Cauliflower Recipes
Cauliflower Steaks with Tomatillo Sauce
It is always good to have a “meatless” recipe on hand. It is undisputed that vegetables are good for you. Vegetables have gotten a bad wrap over the years. The truth is when done right, vegetables can be the superstar of your plate. These cauliflower steaks are your next go to “meatless Monday” dish, because they are not only so delicious but also very filling. A great way to change up your usual rotation and do something that is good for you!
Cauliflower Arroz con Pollo
This Cauliflower “Arroz” con Pollo Recipe is an almost exact replica of the traditional recipe. However it has a lot less calories and takes a lot less time than the OG dish. The original recipe is loaded with veggies like onions, peppers and garlic. All of which are good for you. It makes sense that by subbing the rice and getting a lean cut of chicken, that this recipe could come together and be not just good for you but also delicious!
Riced cauliflower (which you can even sub for riced butternut squash) are the perfect base for this transformation. Using riced veggies is great because they take on whatever flavor you add to them to. Therefore using riced cauliflower is a great way to incorporate it into dishes like this or even eat on it’s own with a lean protein, like our Easy Roast Chicken.
Instant Pot Cauliflower Tumeric Soup
This Instant Pot Cauliflower Turmeric Soup is going to be an easy to follow recipe that will show you how to make this very delicious and very healthy soup recipe you will love.
Let’s cut right to the chase- it is a no cream soup that feels like there is cream. We are not kidding! It has the texture you are looking for, but without all the fat. In fact it is packed with veggies and extremely anti-inflammatory. That’s right, we are checking all the boxes! But wait… it gets better! It’s in the instant pot and is so easy to do.
Cauliflower Congri
Cauliflower Congri is a spin on a quintessential Cuban side. It’s a tradition. It can accompany almost any protein. This dish is a great idea if you are looking to add more veggies into your diet. It’s a full serving of cauliflower along with the onions and garlic that are cooked with the beans. It is also good for anyone who is watching their carb intake.
Another wonderful thing about this Cauliflower Congri, is that it is pretty quick and easy. You can make it with things you likely have on hand, and it all comes together in about 20 minutes.
Cauliflower Shrimp with Rice
This Cauliflower Rice with Shrimp Recipe is a nod to the Cuban staple, Arroz con Camarones. While we are not opposed to making this just as it was intended, with rice, we felt that making a Cauliflower Rice substitution was a great way to keep all the traditional flavoring you love but add an additional layer of healthy veggies. As we mentioned before, riced veggies a beautiful way of absorbing all the flavors, and this dish is no exception. A great quick weekday recipe you will love.
Cauliflower is proof that you can be anything you want to be.
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