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Ham and Cheese Empanadas

Ham Cheese and Onion Empanadas

These Ham Cheese and Onion Empanadas are very delicious and so easy to do. They are flaky with a savory and creamy filling that . 

What is an Empanada

An empanada is basically a turnover. They can be baked or fried and stuffed with filling whether it is sweet or savory. It is commonly found throughout the world. It is found in Spain, other Southern European countries, North African countries, most Latin American countries, and the Philippines. Each country has its own special twist.

The reason empanadas can vary so much is that they can be filled with anything. We wanted to make a recipe that is the perfect balance from the onion’s sweetness and the saltiness of the ham and cheese. From Cuba to Argentina this is a common combination for its simplicity and easily accessed ingredients. 

If you wanted to leave out the ham you could, just add a little more cheese. If you want to leave out the onions and only have ham and cheese that works too. But we wouldn’t get rid of the cheese that keeps everything inside moist.  

We serve empanadas from breakfast, lunch or snack. Check out our other Empanada Recipes but we encourage you to use any ingredient that you really love. One of our favorites is a sweet Strawberry Cream Cheese Empanadas

Some of Of Our Other Empanada Recipes

Tips for Making the Perfect Ham Cheese & Onion Empanadas

  • Be sure to pay attention to the type of dough you are buying. If you are baking empanadas such as this recipe, use a puff pastry style dough. If you are frying them you can use another dough. 
  • Don’t take the empanada discs out of the freezer/fridge too early. You want them to be on the cold side so that they get nice and golden in the oven.
  • Don’t skip on the cornstarch. Although the ingredient may seem random it’s important to add the cornstarch to the filling of an empanadas when you are using an ingredient like cheese. It prevents the cheese from oozing out and breaking. 
  • Only put the egg/cream mixture on half of the empanada before sealing it. If you put the mixture around the entire empanada the sides will not stick together.
  • Once the empanadas are formed a small little slit must be made between the filling and the edge of the empanada. It allows the steam to escape slowly, allowing the pastry to puff but not explode.
  • Reheating empanadas: It’s best to reheat empanadas in the oven or in the air fryer. Especially these empanadas that are made with puff pastry dough need to crisp up again. 
  • After baking, you can freeze the empanadas by putting them in a freezer safe bag or tupperware.

If You Love Empanadas You Will Love These Recipes

Ham, Cheese, and Onion Empanadas

Recipe by Abuelas Cuban CounterCourse: Appetizers


Prep time


Cooking time






  • 12 puff pastry empanada discs

  •  1/4 pound of deli ham (we like uncured smoked ham), chop the ham finely 

  •  1/2 cup of mozzarella or Gruyère cheese, shredded

  •  1 onion, finely sliced

  •  2 tablespoons of olive oil

  •  1 tablespoon of cornstarch

  •  1 egg, beaten well

  •  2 tablespoons of heavy cream

  •  Salt and pepper


  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  • Heat a skillet to medium low heat. Add the onion and olive oil. Stir and add a few pinches of salt and freshly cracked pepper. Cook for 3-5 minutes until they are slightly golden and cooked through. Set the onion aside so they completely cool.
  • Place the shredded cheese in a bowl and add the cornstarch. Mix together so the cornstarch coats the cheese.  
  • Line two sheet pans with a Silpat. Set the empanada discs onto the Silpat. 
  • Add a tablespoon of ham, a tablespoon of the cheese and a teaspoon of onions to the middle of each empanada disc. 
  • Fold the dough over the filling to create a half moon. Press the edges with a fork or crimp with your hands. With the tip of a sharp knife, cut a small slit between the crimped edge and the filling. 
  • In a small bowl beat the egg and heavy cream together. Brush the top of the empanadas with the egg wash mixture all over. 
  • Bake for 12-15 minutes until they are golden brown. Cool slightly but best served warm.